Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mattapan Health Care Revival

On Saturday, the UHS scholars and a member of the Urban Health interest group attended the Mattapan Health Care Revival. This was the 17th year this festival has taken place with the purpose of engaging the Mattapan community in conversations about their health, and the 8th year that a group of Geisel Students has been in attendance. Four students ran a table about the salt and sugar content in a number of common food items. The scholars used a hands on demonstration with sugar and Cricso to help patients visualize the amount of sugar or fat in the foods they often enjoy. People were surprised to find that fruit yogurt in fact contains as much as 37g of sugar - almost 10 teaspoons! Students were able to engage visitors in conversations about alternative options, such as using plain yogurt and sweetening it themselves with honey or fruit. Another group of students worked in the children's tent, talking about healthy food options and heart health. Kids were encouraged to listen to their hearts using our stethoscopes and think about what kinds of things might give their hearts extra exercise. Other students engaged visitors in a variety of activities, including blood pressure screenings, health surveys and even voter registration! This was a great way to end our Boston Immersion Trip - a fantastic combination of community service, hands-on learning and a lot of fun! We look forward to visiting Mattapan again next year for the Health Care Revival!